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Human ecology is the study of the relationship between human activities and artifacts in the natural environment of the planet. There are many way of interpreting that relationship.  It’s interdisciplinary so there are studies in ecology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and many other disciplines. The basis of the relationship that is being studied is the human-built environment, the environmental design. So, PLACES is concerned primarily with architecture/environmental design.  This web-site/blog is not a scholarly study.  it’s just a record of PLACES with personal observations of the architecture/environmental design from the standpoint of an architectural historian.

5th House, Winston Salem, NC 1768

Human footprints are everywhere on the planet.  There are no SPACES in the world where humans haven’t recorded and/or modified the natural environment.  With humans leaving these footprints, then every natural SPACE becomes subject to study as a component of the human ecology.  Some of the impacts of human ecology within the natural SPACES are things like pollution, habitat destruction, non-native species introduction, species extinction, mining excavation, and climate change, but there are so many other connected impacts.  This web-site/blog is going to be a record of natural SPACES and human impacts experienced with the personal observations about this human ecology.

Mowich Lake, Mt Ranier NP, WA
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